December 15, 2023

Video Offer Scenario


Narrator: “Hello! Did you know that today the world is filled with many new and innovative business models? At INFINITI, we help adapt these ideas for the local market. Let me tell you how it works!”

[Process Description]

Narrator: “Every day, we select the most promising business models that have received funding. Then, we look for talented founders and co-founders, like you, to create successful products together.”


Narrator: “Imagine: gaining access to exclusive business models, financial support, mentorship, and a team of IT specialists. All this is available with a subscription starting at just 7 dollars a week!”

[Benefits for Subscribers]

Narrator: “Becoming a subscriber, you’re not just getting information; you become part of an entrepreneurial community. Those who opt for the annual subscription at two hundred fifty dollars get the chance to collaborate directly with us to create their own startup.”

[Conclusion and Call to Action]

Narrator: “If you’re ready to turn innovative ideas into a successful business, join us via Telegram — Insight Out channel. Subscribe today and start your journey to success with INFINITI!”